Saturday, September 24, 2005

Zoo Update

I don't know if I posted about the cat I got from the shelter here hiding for 10 days under my bed and then I got someone to get her out and we moved her to the store where I realized her nose and eyes were running so took her to the vet and got Clavamox antibiotic and nose drops for her... cleared up the cold in a few days but by then, my Persian cat was sneezing and then her nose started running although I didn't think they'd even had contact so I started her on the Clavamox and nose drops and now she's better but the Himalayan has sneezed a couple of times and so far, no runny eyes or nose... the last few days, Cleo (the shelter cat) has gone ballistic if you touched her sides and if you held her, she'd swipe at your nose and turn into a demon although she's extremely friendly and wants attention all the time... sits on the rubber buffet when people are there going through the rubber and follows customers around the store wanting to be petted... so I took her to the vet and of course, she didn't react at all when the vet manipulated her sides but she got a pain shot anyway so that was $68 on top of the $51 for the cold... my $13 cat has become very expensive... her name is Cleo now.
And my deaf Maltese got my newish glasses last night and bent the nose grip thingie and chewed a little on one lens so I have to go to Lenscrafters tomorrow and get that taken care of... I hope they don't charge me for it but they probably will.  It's a good thing she's so cute... she has paper torn up EVERYWHERE and the place looks like a disaster area both here and in the store area where she's taken a liking to wrapping paper.  I need to get her spayed soon... maybe then she'll stop humping my arm and the other dogs.  LOL  She is like a cat and gets up on the table when I'm eating and as soon as I put her back down, she's right back up again.  Good thing it's only me eating there... she thinks everyone who comes in the store should hold her and pet her and carry her around ever since a woman did the first day she was in the store and she whines and cries when they don't... I hope she gets over that!  Li'l Herman will tolerate her playing with him for a while but he tires of it as she just goes and goes and goes.   The other dogs are so old, they can't be bothered and Lucy growls at her and Sugar barks at her when she tries to engage them in play... sometimes, when Li'l Herman and Mitzi are tearing around the house chasing each other, Sugar steps in and barks at them to tell them to settle down.  LOL  Bella has been lying low ever since Mitzi arrived but each day, she's more visible... Silver doesn't take any guff off her and comes up on the bed with the dogs and sleeps.  There are other great cats at the shelter but I'll never dare get another one there as they're all sick. It's a disgrace the way the place is run... typical government operation.  They don't know what animals they have or where they are...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Silver walking through the plants.

Silver's taking a dim view of the puppy's antics too!

Yet another look at Princess.

Princess doesn't look too happy about the new puppy...

How could anyone have kicked and abused this little cutie?

A side view of my new baby Maltese, Miss Scarlet.

Yet another bird's-eye-view of my new Maltese puppy rescue.

A little washed out but at least it's a face-on shot of my new baby.

And here's my Maltese puppy... since she's deaf, I can't get her to look at me for a good picture! And when she's suitably posed, I don't have my camera!

My new five-month old Maltese sitting in his chair at the table... she likes to get up on the table too... she's like a cat!

Here's a bird's eye view of my new Maltese puppy...

Lucy with her babies... about 12 years ago.

Li'l Herman at rest.

Li'l Herman's sitting on his chair at the table hoping dinner will be served soon.

Li'l Herman having a rest under a chair.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Animal Update

This little Maltese pup is the cutest thing in the world... I've named her Miss Scarlet. She plays with Herman and chews on my hands like all puppies do and is so inquisitive... checking out everything... she sees herself in the full length mirror and barks at herself and runs away... it's so hard to imagine that she's been kicked and abused and is deaf. I looked and looked under the bed and couldn't find Ebony so had someone younger and thinner come look and he found her and I tried to hold her but she didn't want to be held so he put her in the closet where the food and water and kitty litter are and she's disappeared again but at least I know she's okay and it will just take time... the Maltese thought he was being smart barking at Silver but learned that's not a smart thing to do... Kurt and his wife loved her to death when they were here cat rescuing. She's such a happy bouncy little thing.

New Maltese Puppy Arrives

I have the deaf Maltese puppy and she's a real sweetie... cute as can be!  The dogs have all sniffed her out... she's been abused and kicked... poor little thing.  She hasn't been spayed so I'll have to get that attended to.


I'm getting worried as I haven't seen Ebony since the day I brought her
home... she needs to eat and get water... I can't find her anywhere and
can't imagine she's hiding this long... I put tuna under my bed and it was
eaten but one of the other cats might have gone under and eaten it there...
Sugar (my rescued from the shelter dog) shows great interest under my bed
which is why I thought she might be there... today, there was a free Maltese
puppy with partial hearing loss advertised and I'm supposed to get her in a
couple of hours... I can't wait and sure hope she's half as sweet and cuddly
as Oliver was when I dogsat him... I still have a special place in my heart
for him and think of him a lot... but it wasn't meant to be... some other
lucky person will get to adopt him. How long can a cat stay in hiding?

Friday, September 02, 2005

A new addition to Stampo's Zoo

Survey Says....

Most popular name... Ebony!  I like it!  So thanks for all the suggestions
and well wishes... I haven't seen her since I brought her home but that's
usual for the first couple of days plus she was spayed on Wednesday so still
recovering... I think she's under my bed as Sugar has been keeping vigil
there and that's what she did when Bella was hiding out after her spaying...
so now I have six dogs and three cats BUT a maltipoo named Ruby is coming to
check out the living quarters tonight so she may be moving in as well if her
owner approves.  And I'm SO tempted by the offers of cockatiels that keep
coming up...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

A new addition to Stampo's Zoo

Today, I went to the Lied Animal Shelter to try to find the white and apricot Persian I found on Petfinders... she wasn't there and no one knew what might have happened to her... they've moved the animals into huge tents out in the desert and you have to tramp forever to get to them after gong to the old place at the opposite end of where the animals are now... there were SO MANY cats in there and I wanted to adopt them all... when you come to their cage, they come out and reach out their paw and rub against the bars and put on their best behavior... or they stay curled up in their litter box as it's the only soft area in the place... they may have peed in their little cardboard french fry container of food. There was a big yellow Persian male who was extremely friendly and then a tiny black Persian female who wouldn't get out of her litter box where she was sleeping but I later found out it was because she'd just been spayed yesterday and no wonder... she was a sweetie and declawed both in front and back so I took her for just $13 as she was a county cat... a city cat would cost up to $150 which is ridiculous... I haven't named her yet... Herman has said hello to her but she's hiding now... Bella was quite surprised to see her and actually got down off her chair where she just lies looking pretty. I'm hoping she'll be a friendly cat after she recovers. Blackie?