Zoo Update
This little Maltese pup is the cutest thing in the world... I've named her Miss Scarlet. She plays with Herman and chews on my hands like all puppies do and is so inquisitive... checking out everything... she sees herself in the full length mirror and barks at herself and runs away... it's so hard to imagine that she's been kicked and abused and is deaf. I looked and looked under the bed and couldn't find Ebony so had someone younger and thinner come look and he found her and I tried to hold her but she didn't want to be held so he put her in the closet where the food and water and kitty litter are and she's disappeared again but at least I know she's okay and it will just take time... the Maltese thought he was being smart barking at Silver but learned that's not a smart thing to do... Kurt and his wife loved her to death when they were here cat rescuing. She's such a happy bouncy little thing.
I'm getting worried as I haven't seen Ebony since the day I brought her
home... she needs to eat and get water... I can't find her anywhere and
can't imagine she's hiding this long... I put tuna under my bed and it was
eaten but one of the other cats might have gone under and eaten it there...
Sugar (my rescued from the shelter dog) shows great interest under my bed
which is why I thought she might be there... today, there was a free Maltese
puppy with partial hearing loss advertised and I'm supposed to get her in a
couple of hours... I can't wait and sure hope she's half as sweet and cuddly
as Oliver was when I dogsat him... I still have a special place in my heart
for him and think of him a lot... but it wasn't meant to be... some other
lucky person will get to adopt him. How long can a cat stay in hiding?
Today, I went to the Lied Animal Shelter to try to find the white and apricot Persian I found on Petfinders... she wasn't there and no one knew what might have happened to her... they've moved the animals into huge tents out in the desert and you have to tramp forever to get to them after gong to the old place at the opposite end of where the animals are now... there were SO MANY cats in there and I wanted to adopt them all... when you come to their cage, they come out and reach out their paw and rub against the bars and put on their best behavior... or they stay curled up in their litter box as it's the only soft area in the place... they may have peed in their little cardboard french fry container of food. There was a big yellow Persian male who was extremely friendly and then a tiny black Persian female who wouldn't get out of her litter box where she was sleeping but I later found out it was because she'd just been spayed yesterday and no wonder... she was a sweetie and declawed both in front and back so I took her for just $13 as she was a county cat... a city cat would cost up to $150 which is ridiculous... I haven't named her yet... Herman has said hello to her but she's hiding now... Bella was quite surprised to see her and actually got down off her chair where she just lies looking pretty. I'm hoping she'll be a friendly cat after she recovers. Blackie?